• Some Old Funky Shit to Add to My Collection. Part 1 / 3

    I mentioned in my "SO MANY DESIGNS..." post that my parents passed down to me the vintage collecting gene. I can’t get enough of anything revolving around design, i.e.. old signs, advertising, records, buttons, bottles and paper stuffs. But this certainly has not limited me to the amount of vintage stuff that has collected in the corners of my place. Some of my other collections include old photographs, skateboards, books, and hangers.  Needless to say I love treasure hunting. Thrift stores, swap meets, garage sales - yes, yes, yes.  This is another reason why I love road trips so much, once you get out of the city and off the beaten path you find the best stuff.  I pull a lot of my design inspiration from these old collections and I'm thankful that I grew up in a home filled with vintage and antique goods. 

    My record collection.

    Some of my favorite album covers.

    Some of my kitchen signage.

    My vintage bottles and jars and the things I put in them.

    Too many signs, not enough wall space.

    I love to see what other people collect and and what inspires them. If you have collections of your own, whether new or old I’d love to see pics. If you have any top spots for finding treasures you’d like to recommend I’d love to hear that too. Shoot your pics and recs over to me at matt(at)

    Next up - Part 2 / 3. Collections of vintage photos, hangers, paper goods and more signs.



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